Get in touch with Regional Pest Management Inc. for effective and professional pantry pest removal services in Wainfleet and surrounding areas. The common pantry pest species that invade structures periodically include beetles, flying brown moths and more. Our focus is on removing pantry pests in a timely and professional manner. The first step with all pantry pests is to confirm what type of pest is bothering you — once identified, our pest control service technicians will provide you with a solution to meet your needs. Contact us for the right pantry pest removal solution today.
Call us at 905-246-9098 or fill out our e-form below to request a quote.
Pantry pests are bugs that can range from little beetles to even flying brown moths. They will be attracted to expired grain products such as rice, cereals, oatmeal's, and even expired dog food and birdseed. However, if they are left unchecked for several months, they can create a big problem.
Pantry pests such as moths, beetles or weevils primarily infest stored food in your home, making it unfit for consumption. They feed on various grain products such as flour, cereals, pasta, cornmeal and much more. You may find contaminants such as live insects, webbing, feces, dead carcasses, cocoons and bacterial decay in the infested food. Pantry pests can multiply and damage other uninfected products. As contaminated food materials break down over time, they can attract other organisms, leading to a secondary infestation. This cycle continues until you put a stop to it.
We’ll arrange a convenient time with you for a full and thorough inspection of your home and office. Based on the infestation, our pest control technicians will recommend a pantry pest removal treatment plan. Our exterminator experts will visit your place and sort out your pantry pest problem. You may need multiple visits depending on the treatment. Our technician will run through the treatment process before the work begins, and we'll also give you advice on how to make sure your pantry pest problem doesn’t come back.